User Guide
Table of Contents
- Overview
- Quick start
- User interface layout
- User input restrictions
- Features
- GUI display restrictions
- Command summary
Finding it hard to manage your student contact details and keep track of their progress?
Finding it a hassle to keep a list of student tasks and scores?
MATHUTORING helps you solve these problems!
MATHUTORING, a centralised desktop application targeted to private Math tuition teachers, helps you manage student contact details and performance by keeping student contact details, tasks, and scores. You can also see score charts and statistics!
What’s more, you can generate a PDF report of your student containing the student’s tasks and scores. If you need to switch to a new device, you can also export and import your previous data into the application!
MATHUTORING is optimised for use via a Command Line Interface (CLI) while still having the benefits of a Graphical User Interface (GUI). If you can type fast, MATHUTORING can get your contact management tasks done faster than traditional GUI apps.
Quick start
Ensure you have
Java 11
or above installed in your Computer. -
Download the latest
. -
Copy the file to the folder you want to use as the home folder for your MATHUTORING app.
Open a command terminal,
into the folder you put the jar file in, and use thejava -jar mathutoring.jar
command to run the application.
The initial GUI below should appear in a few seconds. Note how the app contains some sample data for your reference, you are free to delete the sample data after you get familiar with the MATHUTORING. -
Type the command in the command box and press
to execute it. e.g. typinghelp
and pressingEnter
will open the help window.
Some example commands you can try:-
: Lists all students in the student list. -
add n/John Doe p/98765432 e/ a/311, Clementi Ave 2, #02-25 c/87849999 t/female t/primary
: Adds a student namedJohn Doe
to the student list in MATHUTORING with two tags attached. -
delete 3
: Deletes the 3rd student (if the student exists) shown in the current list. -
: Deletes all students. -
: Exits the app.
Recommended minimum screen size: 740x700.
Refer to the Features below for details of each command.
User interface layout
There are two options to display a student’s scores (score list and score chart) by clicking the Text and Chart buttons (referred as Switch Display Button below) respectively.
Layout with score list
Layout with score chart
User input restrictions
To achieve the best performance, we have set restrictions for the user command input.
Here is the summary for input restrictions. Users are advised to skim through all the restrictions to avoid command input mistakes.
Student contact
A name can only contain alphanumeric characters and spaces (Blanks are not allowed).
Phone/Contact number
- A phone/contact number must have at least 3 digits and no more than 15 digits.
An email should be of the format local-part@domain
and adheres to the following constraints:
- The local-part should only contain alphanumeric characters and these special characters, excluding the parentheses, (+_.-).
The local-part may not start or end with any special characters. - This is followed by a ’@’ and then a domain name. The domain name is made up of domain labels separated by periods.
The domain name must:
- end with a domain label at least 2 characters long
- have each domain label start and end with alphanumeric characters
- have each domain label consist of alphanumeric characters, separated only by hyphens, if any.
No restrictions.
A tag can only contain alphanumeric characters and should not contain more than 20 characters.
A name can only contain alphanumeric characters and spaces (Blanks are not allowed).
A label can only contain alphanumeric characters and spaces (Blanks are not allowed).
A value can be any integer or a number with one decimal place from 0 to 100 (inclusive).
The format of a date must be in yyyy-MM-DD
, and must not be in the future.
General fields
An index must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, … (one-based index). Note if the index given is too large and exceed the integer limit, the command will be deemed as invalid.
File path for export
- File path separator (e.g. backward/forward slash) should follow user’s operating system.
- e.g. Windows uses backward slash and Mac uses forward slash
- Export path should be a directory, not a file!
- The directory cannot be a write-protected folder!
File path for import
- File path separator (e.g. backward/forward slash) should follow user’s operating system.
- e.g. Windows uses backward slash and Mac uses forward slash
- Import path should be a file, not a directory!
Notes about the command format:
Words in
are the parameters to be supplied by the user.
e.g. inadd n/NAME
is a parameter which can be used asadd n/John Doe
. -
Items in square brackets are optional.
e.g.n/NAME [t/TAG]
can be used asn/John Doe t/primary
or asn/John Doe
. -
Items with
after them can be used multiple times including zero times.
can be used ast/secondary
,t/secondary4 t/secondary
etc. -
Parameters can be in any order.
e.g. if the command specifiesn/NAME p/PHONE_NUMBER
is also acceptable. -
If a parameter is expected only once in the command, but the user specified it multiple times, only the last occurrence of the parameter will be taken.
e.g. if the user specifyp/12341234 p/56785678
, onlyp/56785678
will be taken. -
Extraneous parameters for commands that do not take in parameters (including
, andswitch
) will be ignored.
e.g. if the command specifieshelp 123
, it will be interpreted ashelp
. -
Command words are case-insensitive.
e.g. if the command specifies such ashelp
…, it will be interpreted ashelp
Managing student contact
1. Adding a student: add
Adds a student to the student list.
- A student is allowed to have alphanumeric or numeric names, however, special characters (e.g.
) are not allowed. - If a student does not have a phone number, their parent’s contact number can be used as the student’s phone number.
- A student can have any number of tags (including 0)
- In order to avoid potential confusion, we do not allow any student to have the same name regardless of the letter cases (e.g. Harry, HARRY, harry are deemed as same name).
- If the user wishes to add in a student who has the same name as an existing student in the student list, consider adding a number after the student’s name to distinguish them. e.g. Emily and Emily 2 are acceptable names.
Note about the avatars (profile pictures):
- The avatar will change if the student has a “gender” tag.
- The “gender” tag include male and female (case-insensitive). If a student does not have any gender tag or have both gender tags (male and female), the avatar will stay as default.
add n/John Doe p/98765432 e/ a/John street, block 123, #01-01 c/948372948
add n/Betsy Crowe t/primary c/83927482 e/ a/Downtown p/1234567 t/primary3
2. Deleting a student: delete
Deletes the specified student from the student list.
Format: delete INDEX
- Deletes the student at the specified
. - The index refers to the index number shown in the displayed student list.
- The index must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …
followed bydelete 2
deletes the 2nd student (if the student exists) in the student list.
Beforedelete 2
is executed, the studentBernice Yu
is shown in the Student List.After
delete 2
is executed, the studentBernice Yu
is deleted from the Student List. -
find Betsy
followed bydelete 1
deletes the 1st student (if the student exists) in the results of thefind
command. -
filter female
followed bydelete 3
deletes the 3rd student (if the student exists) in the results of thefilter
3. Editing a student: edit
Edits an existing student in the student list.
Format: edit INDEX [n/NAME] [p/PHONE] [e/EMAIL] [a/ADDRESS] [c/CONTACT_PARENT] [t/TAG]…
- Edits the student at the specified
. The index refers to the index number shown in the displayed student list. The index must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, … - At least one of the optional fields must be provided.
- Existing values will be updated to the input values.
- When editing tags, all the existing tags of the student will be removed. i.e. adding of tags is not cumulative.
- The user can remove all the student’s tags by typing
without specifying any tags after it. - We allow the user to edit the
to be the same. - The user is not allowed to change the name of a student to be the same as any existing student in the list.
edit 1 p/91234567 e/
Edits the phone number and email address of the 1st student to be91234567
respectively. -
edit 2 n/Betsy Crower t/
Edits the name of the 2nd student to beBetsy Crower
and clears all existing tags.
Before command execution:After command execution:
4. Checking a student: check
Displays the information of the student being checked, including their task list and score list.
Format: check INDEX
- Checks the student at the specified
and displays the task list and score list of the student. - The index refers to the index number shown in the displayed student list.
- The index must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …
After the user checked a student, the respective student’s task list and score list will continue to be displayed, unless:
- The respective student (the latest checked student) is being deleted.
- The respective student (the latest checked student) is being edited.
- The student list being cleared.
- New student data (.json file) is being imported.
Any of the above actions will alter the status to no student being checked now.
check 2
checks the 2nd student in the student list, the respective task list and score list will show on the right side of the application window.Before command execution:
After command execution:
- Student has no tasks and scores:
- Student has tasks and scores:
- Student has no tasks and scores:
5. Finding a student: find
Finds students whose names contain any of the given keywords.
- The search is case-insensitive. e.g.
will matchHans
- The order of the keywords does not matter. e.g.
Hans Bo
will matchBo Hans
- Only the name is searched.
- Only full words will be matched e.g.
will not matchHans
- Students matching at least one keyword will be returned (i.e.
search). e.g.Hans Bo
will returnHans Gruber
,Bo Yang
find John
andJohn Doe
find alex david
returnsAlex Yeoh
,David Li
6. Filtering students: filter
Filters students whose tags match with any of the given keywords.
- The filter is case-insensitive. e.g.
will matchPrimary
- The order of the keywords does not matter. e.g.
primary primary4
andprimary4 primary
have the same filter results. - Only the tag is searched.
- Only full words will be matched e.g.
will not matchprimary4
- Students whose tag matches at least one keyword will be returned (i.e.
search). e.g.primary primary4
will return students with tags of eitherprimary
, or both.
filter primary
returns tagprimary
. -
filter secondary secondary2
returns students with tags of eithersecondary
, or both.
7. Listing all students: list
Lists all the students in the student list.
Format: list
Managing task list of a student
1. Adding a task for a student: addtask
Adds a task to a specific student.
Format: addtask INDEX t/TASK_TITLE
- Adds the given task to the student at the specified
. - The index refers to the index number shown in the displayed student list.
- The index must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …
- A task can have alphanumeric or numeric names, however, special characters (e.g.
) are not allowed. - A task with the same name as a task already in the task list cannot be added to the task list.
- The name of a task is case-insensitive. e.g.
do homework
is the same asDo Homework
followed byaddtask 2 t/finish Math Paper 1
adds the taskfinish Math Paper 1
to the 2nd student of the student list.
The following result assumes that the user has checked the student before.
check 2
followed byaddtask 1 t/Complete A Math Exercise
adds the taskComplete A Math Exercise
to the student being checked.
2. Deleting a task of a student: deletetask
Deletes the specified task from the task list of a student.
- Deletes the task at the specified
of a specified student (INDEX_OF_STUDENT
). - The first index refers to the index number shown in the displayed student list and the second index refers to the index of the task in the displayed task list of the student.
- Both indexes must be positive integers 1, 2, 3, …
followed bydeletetask 2 3
deletes the third task of the 2nd student in the student list.
The following result assumes that the user has checked the student before.
Before command execution:After command execution:
find Betsy
followed bydeletetask 1 6
deletes the sixth task of the 1st student in the results of thefind
3. Marking a task of a student: markcomplete
, markinprogress
, marklate
Marks the specified task from the task list of a student as complete, in progress, or late.
Mark task as complete: markcomplete INDEX_OF_STUDENT INDEX_OF_TASK
Mark task as in progress: markinprogress INDEX_OF_STUDENT INDEX_OF_TASK
Mark task as late: marklate INDEX_OF_STUDENT INDEX_OF_TASK
- Marks the task at the specified
of a specified student (INDEX_OF_STUDENT
) as complete, in progress or late, depending on the command called. - The first index refers to the index number shown in the displayed student list and the second index refers to the index of the task in the displayed task list of the student.
- Both indexes must be positive integers 1, 2, 3, …
- The default status for a newly added task is in progress.
followed bymarkcomplete 2 3
marks the third task of the 2nd student in the student list as complete.The following result assumes that the user has checked the student before.
Before command execution:After command execution:
followed bymarklate 2 3
marks the third task of the 2nd student in the student list as late.
The following result assumes that the user has checked the student before.
Before command execution:After command execution:
find Betsy
followed bymarklate 1 6
marks the sixth task of the 1st student in the results of thefind
command as late.
Managing score list of a student
1. Adding a score for a student: addscore
Adds a score to a specific student.
Format: addscore INDEX l/LABEL v/VALUE_OF_SCORE d/DATE
- Adds the given score to the student at the specified
. - The index refers to the index number shown in the displayed student list.
- The index must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …
- A score can have alphanumeric or numeric labels, however, special characters (e.g.
) are not allowed. - The given
can be any number from 0 to 100. - The given
can either be an integer or a number with one decimal place - Exams on different dates can have the same
. - No two exams can have the same
Note about format of
- The format of
must beyyyy-MM-DD
. For example,2022-02-20
represents 20 February 2022. - If the
entered by the user is in the future, will not be allowed.
- In order to avoid potential confusion, we only allow one score per day and the full marks of each score is 100.
- If there are two exams in one day, e.g.
Midterm Math Paper 1
andMidterm Math Paper 2
, the user can either combine these two exams to one score with labelMidterm Math
or add them in separate dates. - If the full score of a test is not 100, please convert the score value to a percentage value before entering.
followed byaddscore 2 l/Midterm Math Paper v/99.5 d/2023-03-02
adds aMidterm Math Paper
score with a value of99.5
and dated2022-03-02
to the 2nd student in the student list.
The following result assumes that the user has checked the student before.
- Current display for score tab is using score list.
- Current display for score tab is using score chart.
- Current display for score tab is using score list.
check 5
followed byaddscore 5 l/CA2 A Math v/50 d/2021-09-09
adds aCA2 A Math
score with a value of50
and dated2021-09-09
to the student being checked.
2. Deleting a score of a student: deletescore
Deletes the specified score from the score list of a student.
- Deletes the score at the specified
of a specified student (INDEX_OF_STUDENT
). - The first index refers to the index number shown in the displayed student list and the second index refers to the index of the score in the displayed score list of the student.
- Both indexes must be positive integers 1, 2, 3, …
followed bydeletescore 2 1
deletes first score of the 2nd student in the student list. The following result assumes that the user has checked the student before.
- Current display for score tab is using score list.
Before command execution:After command execution:
- Current display for score tab is using score list.
find Betsy
followed bydeletescore 1 2
deletes second score of the 1st student in the results of thefind
3. Switching between score tabs: switch
Switches between the score list and score chart tabs.
Format: CLI and GUI supported.
Click the Text or Chart button to switch between score list and score chart tabs respectively.
Managing the data of the students
1. Exporting the data of the students: export
Exports all the student’s data out. Users can export with or without specifying the path. export p/
is also allowed.
The default exported position for CLI will be in the data folder under the home folder (the folder that contains the “mathutoring.jar” file).
The exported file name is data.json
Format: CLI and GUI supported.
export [p/FILE_PATH]
Click the “File” on the top menu, then choose “Export” under the drop-down list.
An export window will pop up, the user is required to specify which folder to store the exported file.
will export the file as a JSON file[JAR file location]/data/data.json
- For Windows users
p/C:\bin exportdata.json
to bin folder under C disk.
- For Mac users
p//Users/username/Desktop exportdata.json
to desktop.
Note about the format of
- For Windows users, the format of
must bep/C:\Users\username\Downloads
. - For Mac users, the format of
must bep//Users/username/Desktop
2. Importing the data of the students: import
Imports student data into the application. Users can import the file by dragging the file in or choosing the file path.
The imported file must be in .json
Format: CLI and GUI supported.
import p/FILE_PATH
Click the “File” on the top menu, then choose “Import” under the drop-down list. An import window will pop up, the user can choose to either drag the file in or choose a specific file path.
- For Windows users
- For Mac users
Note about the format of
- For Windows users, the format of
must bep/C:\bin\FILE_NAME
. - For Mac users, the format of
must bep//Users/username/Desktop/FILE_NAME
3. Exporting the progress of a student: exportp
Exports the specified student progress into a PDF file. Users can export without specifying the path. exportp p/
is not allowed. The default
exported position for CLI will be under the home folder.
Format: CLI and GUI supported.
Click the “Export Progress Report” button of a student in the student list. An export progress window will pop
up, the user is required to specify which folder to store the exported file.
- Exports the score list and task list of the specified student
in the form of a PDF file. - The
must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, … - If
is not specified, file will be exported as a JSON file in<JAR file location>/data
should be a valid path to a directory. - The exported file name is
<STUDENT_NAME>'s Progress Report.pdf
, e.g.Alex Yeoh's Progress Report.pdf
- Sample PDF output file: Alex Yeoh’s Progress Report.pdf
exportp 1
will export the file as a PDF file<JAR file location>/data/<STUDENT_NAME>'s Progress Report.pdf
- For Windows users
exportp 1 p/C:\Users\John Doe\Downloads
- For Mac users
exportp 1 p//Users/johndoe/Documents
Note about the format of
- For Windows users, the format of
must bep/C:\Users\username\Downloads
. - For Mac users, the format of
must bep//Users/username/Desktop
General commands
1. Viewing help: help
Prompts the help page link together with a brief user guide that explain what commands are provided in MATHUTORING. For more detailed information such as how to use the syntax, please refer to the help page.
Format: CLI and GUI supported.
Click the “Help” on the top menu, then choose “Help” again under the drop-down list.
2. Clearing all entries: clear
Clears all entries from the MATHUTORING.
Format: clear
3. Exiting the program: exit
Format: exit
Saving the data
- MATHUTORING data is saved in the hard disk automatically after any command. There is no need to save manually.
- If the user would like to save the MATHUTORING data in a different location, they can use the
Editing the data file
MATHUTORING data are saved as a JSON file <JAR file location>/data/mathutoring.json
. Advanced users are welcome to update data directly by editing that data file.

GUI display restrictions
We have set up a few GUI display restrictions in order to avoid the GUI being affect by extreme inputs (e.g. super long name) or small screen size, and thus hinder the user experience.
If the student name is more than 29 letters, the full student name will be displayed in the student list. However, the task list will only display the first 29 letters, with the remaining letters shown as ellipsis.
If the score label is more than 11 letters, the full score label will be displayed in the score list, text panel. However, the chart tooltip will only display the first 11 letters, with the remaining letters shown as ellipsis.
When you try to open external windows (Import, Export, Export Progress, and Help Windows), you might notice that it doesn’t open if it is minimized. The proposed solution is in the developer guide.
Q: How do I transfer my data to another Computer?
A: Install the app in the other computer and overwrite the empty data file it creates with the file that contains the data of your previous MATHUTORING home folder.
Q: I can’t find the mathutoring.json
file and the files exported for export
and exportp
. What should I do?
A: Open the application using java -jar mathutoring.jar
instead of opening the application by clicking the JAR file. More details can be found in the Quick start section.
Command summary
Action | Format, Examples |
Add a Student |
add n/NAME p/PHONE_NUMBER e/EMAIL a/ADDRESS c/PARENT_PHONE [t/TAG]… e.g., add n/James Ho p/22224444 e/ a/123, Clementi Rd, 1234665 c/11112222 t/friend t/primary
Delete a Student |
delete INDEX e.g., delete 1
Edit a Student |
edit INDEX [n/NAME] [p/PHONE_NUMBER] [e/EMAIL] [a/ADDRESS] [c/PARENT_PHONE] [t/TAG]… e.g., edit 2 n/James Lee e/ c/12348888
Check a Student |
check INDEX e.g. check 1
Find a Student |
find KEYWORD [MORE_KEYWORDS] e.g., find James Jake
Filter Students |
filter KEYWORD [MORE_KEYWORDS] e.g., filter primary secondary
List Students | list |
Add a Task |
addtask INDEX t/TITLE e.g addtask 2 t/Homework Assignment 1
Delete a Task |
deletetask INDEX_OF_STUDENT INDEX_OF_TASK e.g deletetask 2 1
Mark a Task |
mark(STATUS) INDEX_OF_STUDENT INDEX_OF_TASK (mark(STATUS) can be either markcomplete , marklate or markinprogress )e.g. markComplete 1 2 |
Add a Score |
addscore INDEX_OF_STUDENT l/LABEL v/VALUE_OF_SCORE d/DATE e.g addscore 1 l/CA2 A Math v/70 d/2022-03-03
Delete a Score |
deletescore INDEX_OF_STUDENT INDEX_OF_SCORE e.g. deletescore 3 4
Switch Score Tab | switch |
Export Data |
export [p/FILE_PATH] e.g. export p//Users/John
Import Data |
import p/FILE_PATH e.g. import p//Users/John/data.json
Export a Student’s Progress |
exportp INDEX [p/FILE_PATH] e.g. export 1 p//Users/John
Help | help |
Clear | clear |
Exit | exit |